Eu4 trade goods map
Eu4 trade goods map

Production should be important if price was variable and dependent on supply an demand. But why the same good should give huge value to the Aztecs when it is in abundance in the America’s is wrong. Wouldn’t it need implementation of a system to reflect differing values of different trade goods at different nodes? Sure New World goods are valuable to the Europeans, that because the Europeans don’t have them in Europe. To me it has the feel of walking into a workshop and seeing all these built pieces lying around on the floor and on the workbenches, but no one has had the time to put them all together into something interesting or useful yet. They are just largely a complete non-factor in terms of actual game impact. It’s a shame because they have a bunch of pieces in place to make an interesting economy: They’ve got the concept of Production, Trade Goods, manufacturies, goods being available only in certain geographical regions, a supply and demand model, etc. The only things I care about in a province are the Base Tax and if it’s a Center of Trade, what that province produces is irrelevant unless it’s a gold mine. So really, they could almost roll all of this up into Income and do away with the concept of Production entirely. Additionally, base tax is a large factor in determining the production income of a province. They’ve got a nice supply/demand system but largely all the goods are generic and samey with each other. Right now, goods largely have no impact on the game other than their raw income value, and (with a couple exceptions) that value is either 2.0 or 3.0.

eu4 trade goods map

Those New World goods aren’t noticeably different in value than things like grain and fish, either. It’s cool that tobacco can only be found in the New World, but what in the game makes you care about that? You don’t go to the New World for the goods available there, you just want colonies to give you generic income via tariffs. My issue right now with them is that they provide nothing to the game, outside of being the top trader in a particular good. Grain on the other hand would be relatively cheap and common, but building grain manufacturies might give you an increase to your forcelimits or reduce attrition damage or something along those lines. Cash crops like Tobacco might be great for money but not provide much of a strategic benefit.

eu4 trade goods map eu4 trade goods map

The kind of thing I envision with trade goods is making them vary far more in terms of value, but also provide some uses.

eu4 trade goods map

Personally, I’m not too concerned with fairness, since the game is inherently asymmetrical and unfair. Right now EU4 can be brutally unfair, tying trade goods into building ships or armies or anything would make the game even worse in that regard. I’m not sure what they could do with trade goods to make them interesting and workable.

Eu4 trade goods map